We are open to accepting original article or blog posts written by students, corporate individuals and experts in matters relating to Mergers & Acquisition, Corporate Restructuring, Financial Restructuring, Corporate Laws and related subjects who will add value to our readers. Our most successful contributions are those which provide helpful information on topics like M&A Deal analysis, Laws and compliance’s related to Corporate Restructuring, SMEs and Corporates. It should also provide tips and insights for small and medium Enterprises regarding Mergers and Acquisition, Financial re-engineering and practice management. If you have an idea for a guest article post and would like to write for us, you can send us an email at [email protected] with a relevant topic/ idea/ article. After it undergoes moderation, an author profile will be created for you after which it shall be posted on our magazine portal, giving you due credit. Read Guidelines for Contributors.
Things to Keep in Mind when you wish/plan to write for M&A Critique:
- Make sure the article is not a press release article or a promotional one in nature.
- Our readers mainly comprise of Professional Students, professionals and Corporate Leaders interested in understanding the different aspects of the Mergers and Acquisition Deal, Finance, Laws and Strategy.
- The article should, be of 600 words in the least
- The articles must be fresh and shouldn’t have been published before. Kinds of articles- Your topics can be based on Corporate Restructuring deals, Corporate Strategy for organic and inorganic growth, Legal and Regularity updates, strategy, finance, business or others related to the above topics The content should be written with the perspective of providing valuable insights and information related to the above mentioned subjects.
- Before you start writing, do an extensive research on the subject and find insights or factual content to support your opinion (if any).
- Before you get down to writing, frame your topic in the form of a question; the rest of your piece must focus (or attempt) to answer that question.
- Try to keep the legal jargons to a bare minimum – while this blog is about the law, most of the readers will have limited knowledge about them.
Some Tips:
This is Often the last thing you think about, but also the most important part of your blog post! Try to keep it under 10 words and make it engaging, either by posing a question or making a statement. Don’t be too abstract – you want people to know what it’s about, so make sure to use words and language that most people will understand.
Articles are often read quite quickly and people often glance at them during their leisure time. So try using a conversationalist tone – type your posts as you would say them out loud. Use questions, feel free to give your opinion, and invite comments. If you’re worried about how long your post should be – the golden rule is “less is more!”
For the same reasons as above, make your content concise and clear. Long sentences are a no-no, and paragraphs should also be kept short.
Use visuals
We’re very used to writing text in academic circles, but here you can be creative! Feel free to use insights, charts, graphs, pictures and videos to provide a different view and reinforce your points and remember, though while adding images and videos, ensure they won’t attract any copyright issues.
Use examples
Some contexts are tough to comprehend, so don’t be afraid to use examples and refer to current events to back up your arguments.
Thank you for the light you share, and for being part of the M&A Critique!
The M&A Critique is published and managed by HU Mergersindia.com Private Limited.