Tata Motors managing director Guenter Butschek has flagged off a massive transformation drive at the company. In an interview to ET on the sidelines of the Geneva International Motor Show, Butschek explains the logic behind the move, which includes talks currently ongoing with Germany’s VW Group for a possible tie-up. He wants to play the volume game because creating scale is the only way to build a sustainable business. Edited excerpts:
Where have talks progressed so far with the VW Group?
We have had several discussions so far. We are not that close; it is fair to say we are in the midst of a discussion where we have deeply looked into technical details of the platform and how could the best of best solution will look like. This is something we have to take it to next stage, which is deeper and see what are the potential opportunity and options for the collaborations.
Is it going to be a joint venture, technical collaboration or a contract manufacturing tie-up?
The range of discussion is very wide, right from technical collaboration to forming a joint venture, where you even put a production capacity in a JV, look at a contract manufacturing and there are plenty of opportunities between us. All of these will evolve further.
How does this tie into your own restructuring activity?
Under the Tata Motors passenger vehicle strategy presented to you on the 2nd of February. We told you we are consolidating from six vehicle platforms to two. If you look at our volumes of 1,30,000 in FY16, with so many different products on six platforms, there is low economies of scale. There is no degree of commonality into these platforms and products — this is not how we can create a profitable and self-sustainable business model.
By FY19, we are going to reset the whole system, we are going to bring down the platforms from six to two. The strategy is to have 80-90% commonality. We could have five-six top hats on the same platform. All of a sudden, it is not that complex. The higher the degree of commonality, lower the degree of risk. You can be much faster to the market with a new top hat every year, meeting different requirements. All this brings in tremendous scale and if we were to add a partner, the scale multiplies.
You are eyeing the No 3 position by FY19. If the tie-up fructifies, could you get closer to the market leaders?
You can’t expect one player to have a 50% market share, and if I am a small player, I will never be able to challenge, even if I have the most advanced product with best quality services and the ecosystem. I will always be a smaller player, so the rule of the game is to play volume. As you play volume, you can be more competitive and you can challenge the leaders.
If I take this most positive assumption of the growth potential of the Indian market, according to the Automotive Mission Plan, it will touch 9.4-9.5 million units by 2026.
Assuming that the rest of the market remains more or less as is, I would still be limited as far as overall volume is concerned, where the mainstream of our business is extremely cost and price sensitive. At the same time, India is the most competitive market in the world, the requirement hence is the economies of scale. That was the point, where we said, we can get significant economies of scale with this platform strategy.
However, we can get better economies of scale if we can get a partner, who were willing to join our platform, also expecting that the partners will bring in new technologies to this platform. You apply the best of both companies with a high degree of commonality. This takes the volume potential much higher.
Add to that a huge international opportunity. Then the volumes we talk about is going to be close to the best players in class. Then we can take advantage of this lower cost base to be even more aggressive in the Indian market to bring disruption.
Source: Economic Times